Un-bottle your grief on ‘how does it feel’


‘How Does it Feel’, an online reality show is The Voice Online’s flagship program whose series of episodes are published on our social media platforms every Thursday at 7.30pm.

Co-Produced and directed by film maker Thabiso Florence Phaphe of AAP Investments, How Does It Feel takes an expressive approach to issues affecting people from all walks of life.

Un-bottle your grief on 'how does it feel'

These may include, loss of a loved one, being infertile and divorce amongst others.

Given the pressures of societal stereotypes and stigma, many people tend to suppress their emotions which can later affect all areas of their well being.

“How Does it Feel comes as a conscious effort to show people that conquering personal struggles is an achievement and that it should be celebrated. It provides a platform for people to be free to express their vulnerability, own their truth and embrace who they are,” Phaphe says.

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Un-bottle your grief on 'how does it feel'
AGGRIEVED: Sadi Dikgaka

The first episode premiered on The Voice Facebook page on December 5th 2019, generating raving reviews on the subject of gender discrimination against gays, lesbians, bisexual and transgender people.

The show grew in popularity in the subsequent episodes, some featuring local celebrities such as comedian Jujuvine, television personality Sadie Dikgaka and another funnyman, William Molebatsi.

Un-bottle your grief on 'how does it feel'

Williams interview remains the most watched episode with over 204 000 views, but it was the 10th episode, highlighting the plight of a young drug addict that had tongues wagging and further escalated the popularity of the weekly show with over 170 000 views and 642 shares in less than a week.

The program producers have since facilitated for the young woman’s sanctuary at Kagisano Women’s Shelter where she is undergoing rehabilitation away from illicit drugs.

How Does it Feel has, by all accounts’ proved to be an ideal roadmap to all individuals who are facing emotional and mental hardships and are looking for solace and potential solutions to their challenges in life.

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