UDC give Motshegwa his Mmadinare back

Daniel Chida
AMBITIOUS: Motshegwa

When the Umbrella for Democratic Change (UDC) allocated constituencies amongst its member parties, several choices were met with raised eyebrows.

This was especially true of the decision to award Mmadinare to Botswana Patriotic Front (BPF) – a constituency Botswana National Front (BNF) had been hungrily eyeing for its Secretary General (SG), Ketlhalefile Motshegwa.

In the end, BPF’s hasty departure from the umbrella meant the BNF got their wish.

Mmadinare was given to Motshegwa, who now faces the tough task of unseating the area’s current MP, Molebatsi Molebatsi of the Botswana Democratic Party (BDP).

Having contested for Gaborone Bonnington South in the 2019 general elections, Motshegwa knows exactly how demanding the next few months will be.

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Despite this, he sounded in typically relaxed mood when The Voice caught up with him this week…

You’re back in Mmadinare, but this confusion with BPF must have cost you precious time! Are you not behind in terms of campaigning?

As far as last year I made inroads in the campaign to become a Member of Parliament for the area; that is until the BPF joined UDC.

The outcome of negotiation of allocation of constituencies was that Mmadinare Constituency was allocated to BPF.

That meant my candidature had to be withdrawn.

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That must have pissed you off?

I am a cadre of the movement and the struggle, such that even if tomorrow I am told to withdraw again, I will happily comply.

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I still say it’s not about me, it’s about the people of Mmadinare who are yearning for change.

I am merely a symbol of that change, for the people will liberate themselves this coming October 2024!

Why was Mmadinare allocated to the BPF, when it was common knowledge you desperately wanted it?

I was asked as to what my personal feelings are and what my political future is and I told them that I don’t think I possess prophetic talent to predict my political future.

It is the members or structures of the party and fellow leaders who decide one’s path or political future through organizational processes and decisions.

We are a membership centred party of a social democratic programme, so the agenda and programme is more than individual ambitions.

On that note therefore, the emphasis should be on the future of this country and its people more than my political future.

Like that rapper ATI potently put it, “It’s not about me, it’s about the people.” That is what must be given prominence.

Let me hasten to point out that I voluntarily joined the BNF because of its political ideology and programmatic framework in pursuit and quest for social justice, economic liberation and empowerment of Batswana.

I am now a leader in the party amongst the collective to implement the strategic goals of the organisation.

So there were no hard feelings?

In an organisation like ours to be a representative in parliament or council you must be deployed, you don’t deploy yourself – it’s not some kind of entitlement or aristocratic arrangement!

You must be a disciplined cadre who puts the interests of the party and agenda foremost before yours, subscribe to collective responsibility and the bigger picture no matter how defined and strong your personal interests are.

On that note, whether I will stand for parliamentary election or not is not much of significance.

What is fundamental is the principles, ideals behind the agenda pursued by UDC and its contracting parties for the second republic to be attained and accomplished within our lifetime.

Let’s forget the UDC for a second; what does Motshegwa the individual stand for?

I must assert and underscore that I am more perturbed by decay in human rights, democracy that is under siege, rising unemployment, poverty, eroded purchasing power of workers, rising corruption, judicial crisis and so forth in this country.

I am more engrossed in solutions offered by UDC to these societal problems brought by corrupt and ruthless BDP government.

How will you balance your SG duties with the draining demands of campaigning?

My duty as BNF SG in this election campaigns will be to coordinate a strategic programme for BNF to deliver all constituencies allocated to it, and surely we will deliver that as our contribution to change of government.

I will continue to discharge my duties with discipline, utmost diligence and merit for professionalization of the party and strong administration.

Furthermore, I bear duty to mobilise BNF members to work in constituencies allocated to our partners in UDC for victory in constituencies they manage.

Teamwork and unity is paramount.

I bear that responsibility also by virtue of being UDC NEC member.

At BNF we highly respect and embrace BPP, highly respect and embrace AP, highly respect and embrace BPF.

We are comrades, we are family, we are on a generational historic mission, we shall overcome and conquer!

And on that note, any last nuggets of advice for your comrades?

I humbly urge members of BNF, AP, BPP and BPF to rally behind and support their leadership for a united, formidable and unbreakable UDC to liberate Batswana.

I further implore the leadership of these parties and that of UDC to continue to demonstrate maturity, professionalism and leadership to guide members towards paradise that is new government.

This agenda is more important than each one of us and individual ambitions.

Ma UDC a re tshwaraganeng.

UDC ke kgamelo ya Batswana go siela Batswana lebese la puso ya batho ka batho le itsholelo go tsena mo diateng tsa bone.

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