UDC activist arrested for inciting violence

Daniel Chida


With the dust from the general elections yet to settle, police have arrested a 21-year-old University of Botswana (UB) student over a Facebook post they believe incites violence and public unrest.

Karabo Matonkomane, an activist for Umbrella for Democratic Change (UDC), was detained by Serious Crime Squad on Monday night, ten hours after posting the offending statement online.

Information gathered by The Voice is that Matonkomane, who goes by the Facebook account, Matonkomane Karabo, wrote, “Before this term is completed there is going to be a town shut down, a national day of anger to protest against unemployment, deteriorating health service, poor quality education, low wages, corruption and lack of genuine democracy.”

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The post goes on to warn that all wards and malls will be closed and water and power supply cut.

It hints of a looming strike and possible violence to follow.

“All of us, the young, the rich and poor will be in the streets destroying everything that belongs to the government. There is going to be a massacre by security forces.”

The post goes on to state that from there ‘everyone will know what presentation is and will understand participatory democracy’.


“All poverty will be actuated and our wealth will belong to us,” the post ends.

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According to a confidential police report, a black Samsung Grand Prime phone was recovered from the suspect and seized as an exhibit and will be sent for forensic analysis.

Police Spokesperson, Senior Assistant Commissioner, Dipheko Motube confirmed having such a case but could not go into detail as the matter was still fresh.

“Currently we don’t know what kind of charge he is going to face until our investigations are complete,” added Motube.

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Meanwhile, UDC Secretary General, Moeti Mohwasa also confirmed they were aware of the arrest

“But we do not have full details of why he was arrested. On violence, the UDC statement has asked for calm and that we should give space to the leadership to deal with issues around election rigging,” noted Mohwasa.

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