Tsimako’s Landcruiser burns to ashes

Letlhakeng police have confirmed a fire incident in which former Botswana Police Commissioner, Thebeyame Tsimako’s Land Cruiser vehicle burnt to ashes last Saturday afternoon.

Superintendent Amos Kekgathetse told this publication that the incident occurred at around 1645 hours when the former police boss was driving from Diphuduhudu to Molepolole.

“He was accompanied by his herdboy and it happened that they saw a smoke emerging from the bonnet while on the way and soon as he stopped and opened the bonnet to investigate what was happening, the explosive fire caught the whole vehicle,” explained Superintendent Kekgathetse noting that the cause of the fire is not yet known.

The duo are said to have watched helplessly as the vehicle valued at P400, 000 burnt to ashes on a sandy gravel road within a short period of time.

The 73-year-old former police Commissioner and his herdboy aged 39, escaped unhurt.

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