Trouble at Tsholetsa House

Sharon Mathala

Ruling party headquarters rocked by rape, assault scandals

Party suspends information and communications officer

Botswana Democratic Party (BDP) Internal wars have erupted at Tsholetsa House reaching boiling point as reports of backstabbing, assault, finger pointing and rape charges rocked the ruling party.

This week, matters came to a head at the BDP headquarters with Information and Communication Officer, Kabo Masoba being slapped with two suspension letters on Monday.

The first suspension was for allegedly assaulting and harassing the BDP Executive Secretary, Kebonye Merafhe during a heated argument while the second suspension came after Masoba was arraignment in court for rape accusations and granted bail last week Friday.

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He is accused of raping an 18-year-old victim closely related to a BDP cabinet minister.

Confirming rape allegations levelled against Masoba, Mogoditshane acting station commander Assistant Superintendent Zachariah Tshenyego said, “He is accused of raping an 18-year-old Victim. He is currently on bail and will appear before the court for his second mention on September 9.”

BDP’s Kagelelo Banks Kentse also confirmed the rape accusations saying, “There are two suspensions with that particular individual; he is being suspended from work, at Tsholetsa House because of an alleged incident where there was a scuffle. An executive officer was involved in the scuffle. He is being suspended with full pay for that.”

“In another matter, he is serving a 60-day suspension for a case which is currently before Police for alleged rape. Just like any other member facing such a serious charge, he is being asked to step down from the party until finalization of the case.”

Reached for a comment Masoba, 31, also confirmed his suspension and rape charge but labeled the suspension ‘a witch-hunt by powers that be.’

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“I have been suspended from the party yes, but the truth will set me free and I will be vindicated,” said Masoba

However, according to a source within Tsholetsa house Masoba’s troubles began when he discovered and reported damming and incriminating information against some senior members of the party.

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He apparently unearthed information about how some party members were involved in hatching a voter trafficking plot ahead of primary elections (bull ditswe) in order to rig in favour of their preferred candidates.

Masoba is said to have then reported the rigging plot to the Tsholetsa House leadership and two weeks later a rape report against him surfaced.

The party insider further claimed that Masoba’s allegations about bulela ditswe irregularities have caused the party to institute an internal audit.

This was however denied by the party chairman, The Vice President (VP), Slumber Tsogwane in a telephone interview with The Voice on Wednesday.

Asked if he had received any report incriminating the Executive secretary in bulela ditswe election rigging, Tsogwane briefly said, “There is no such matter before us. All there is, is Masoba’s suspension from the Party for his own matters.”

Meanwhile another source within the BDP has revealed that there was no love lost between Masoba and his Executive Secretary and their relationship was bound to implode sooner than later.

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