The estate agent with the golden touch

Baitshepi Sekgweng

Inspired by the success of diverse individuals such as Paris Hilton and Donald Trump, as a child, Neltah Tshepiso Mosimanegape developed a strong interest in the world of real estate.
This interest grew steadily stronger over time, eventually leading to a highly successful career and finally the founding of her own company, Tempest Gold, in 2019.
Both the business and its owner have gone on to win several awards, as the 34-year-old real estate mogul reveals…

Briefly introduce yourself?
I am a 34-year-old lady from Metsimotlhabe and Molepolole who is real estate practitioner by profession.
I am a bit of an academic junkie and possess a BA in Economics and Accounting, an ABE in Business Administration, a Certificate in Real Estate, a Certificate in Vocational and Education Training (CVET) and an MSc in Project Management from the University of Bolton.
I am currently doing my Doctorate in Real Estate through the University of Witwatersrand. I have previously taught at the University [Witwatersrand] and was awarded a ‘Visiting Scholar’ opportunity at Nigeria’s leading private university, Covenant University. I have previously served as the Vice President and also as the Secretary-General of the Real Estate Institute of Botswana.

Wow, quite the academic resume! On top of all that you are the founder and Managing Director (MD) of Tempest Gold – tell us about your company?
Tеmреѕt Gоld iѕ a boutique rеаl eѕtаtе company that specialises in estate agency, property valuations, property/facilities management, and most impactfully, advisory and consultancy services in all sectors within the industry, including residential, commercial, agro tourism, development and project management. Wе are fосuѕеd on соnvеуіng аn іnсеntіvе tо іnvеѕtоrѕ and mаkіng our сlіеntѕ’ business fruitful. Wе аdd trеmеndоuѕ vаluе аnd vision to our unѕurраѕѕеd knоwlеdgе оf the Botswana built environment and, in particular, the real estate industry. Tempest Gold prides itself in оffеring convenience bу рrоvіdіng top-notch real estate services, all under оnе rооf – a роwеrful соmbіnаtion, еѕресіаllу durіng сhаllengіng есоnоmіс tіmеѕ.

And before starting Tempest Gold, what were you up to career wise?
My career path certainly set me up to be where I am today and I am very grateful to my former employers for the opportunities and mentorship they gave me. I started my career at RDC Properties as the Centre Manager for the iconic Masa Centre – it was very challenging but worth it! I was then headhunted by Knight Frank for the position of Building Manager at yet another historic building, the iTowers, also in the CBD. Finally, my last position as an employee was at Exponential Investments, for the Exponential building as the Facilities Manager.

Growing up, was it always your plan to pursue this path?
I have to admit that I took an interest in Real Estate during the ‘Y2K’ era when reality TV was gaining popularity. I became intrigued in the profession after seeing how much wealth one can amass through real estate by researching ‘reality tv stars’ such as Paris Hilton, the socialite and heiress of the Hilton Hotels, and Donald Trump, who was a well-respected and astute businessman at the time. Before then, I wanted to be an international superstar!

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Your company was formed months before the Covid-19 pandemic hit, how did it survive?
Since we had been operating part time pre-Covid-19, we managed to build a good network of clients. Covid exposed us to many opportunities and clients due to the influx in webinars. I took the opportunity to participate in as many as I possibly could to increase our visibility. Now we have a good number of international clients, so the pandemic was a blessing in disguise.

As Tempest Gold you pride yourselves as ‘Property Pros’ – what does that mean?
Our slogan, ‘Your Property Pros’ is self-explanatory. Our team is made up of property professionals who have practiced in different sectors of the real estate industry. We do not offer ‘half-baked’ services but make sure that we maintain high standards of service offerings and curate our services to exceed the expectation of our wide and diverse array of clients.

You are working in what is widely perceived to be a high-money sector. How does Tempest Gold thrive, especially as most Batswana are not in a position to afford property?
We educate our clients and/or prospects on real estate and break it down in layman’s understanding. What I have found out is that there is really limited information and advice that Batswana – and industry stakeholders – can tap into to make more informed decisions as well as explore what can give them a good return on their investment. I must also say that there is a misconception that real estate is a ‘high money’ sector; anyone can invest in real estate with the little they have. Through our consultancy services, we advise Batswana on how to invest in real estate within their budget.

Interesting, so how do you empower Batswana such that they can afford these high-value properties?
I am passionate about media broadcasting and have in the past, co-hosted a real estate show along with FNB Botswana, called ‘Your Property Pros’ radio show on Gabz FM in 2022 as well as a ‘Facebook live’ show, where I hosted a show called ‘Property Unplugged’ for Stanbic Bank. Tempest Gold partnering with these stakeholders, through marketing campaigns on broadcasting mediums, not only allowed them to promote their products but also allowed Tempest Gold to advise Batswana on real estate.

Acquisition International (AI) recently named you ‘The Most Influential Businesswoman in Real Estate’ – what’s that all about?
This is a global award and I am so humbled to not only be awarded for my efforts and impact in the industry but to also put Botswana’s talent on the map.
It means the world to us to be recognized on an international scale. Even though this is not our first win, the excitement never wavers! Just this past week we received another delightful email that we were awarded the ‘Commercial Real Estate Agency of the Year’ for our sister start-up, MRSP Africa, which is a proptech company offering cloud-based property management and maintenance solutions, at the Innovation & Excellence Awards 2023 by Corporate Live Wire. We have also been shortlisted by Business Insight Review for ‘Best Companies to Watch 2023’ on a merit basis by their news team.

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Seems liking ‘winning’ is a regular habit?
Yes, other notable awards which I and Tempest Gold have been fortunate to receive are: Grant funding for MRSP Africa from the Women Entrepreneurship in Africa program, 2022, Best woman-founded proptech start-up in Africa, Finance and International, 2020, Young Property Person of the Year, Africa Property Investment, 2019, Women in Africa’ Botswana Laureate, 2019, Tony Elumelu Entrepreneurship Program Entrepreneur, 2018 Grant recipient of $5,000 towards property start-up and Demo Africa Top 30 Start-Ups in Africa Finalist, 2018, to name a few.

So in a nutshell, how did the ‘Most Influential Businesswoman’ award come about?
We submitted our documentation to the AI team’s independent judging panel A and this takes note of all supporting documentation. This is compiled into a case file along with any other relevant information gained. In addition, the dedicated researchers were also on-hand to prepare a case file on your behalf via merit-orientated research into public domain sources.
We were able to demonstrate expertise within the real estate industry, dedication to client service and satisfaction, and above all an ongoing commitment to excellence and quality. Their merit-driven approach has brought us much success and commendation throughout its use and enforces our stance that victors are not determined by the popularity of votes but by their contributions.

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Where is the big money when it comes to Real Estate?
Real estate is one of the safest investment vehicles when executed properly and with expert consultancy can make you good money. Our consultants personalize investment plans for our clients to guide them on where ‘the big money’ is given their needs and resources.

What’s the most you’ve ever sold a house for?
Ha! How about you tell me how much you earn first?

Buying property is a big investment and not something that people do every day – how busy are you on an average week?
I work seven days a week. My days usually end at 10pm and start at 4am. Most of our clients are employees and usually get free time only after hours and during weekends so we certainly have to adapt to their circumstances and assist them. I also have to put in work towards my dissertation so it gets quite busy.

What safety precautions do you take when you or your staff meet up with new clients?
It is quite saddening that we have to take extra precautions when meeting clients on-site, especially women. I am very passionate about mentoring young women, so their safety is more important than anything. If a male colleague cannot accompany a female to the site, we use our vehicles and not those of the clients. If we are forced to use the clients, we take down their number plates, and full names – we ask for proof of identification – and I request my staff to keep their location ‘live’ and share it with me, and a close friend or family member, so I know their every move until they are back safely.

As the MD, are you still able to do field work?
Of course! With high heels, a fresh manicure and make-up!

FULL NAMES: Neltah Tshepiso Mosimanegape
POB: Gaborone
DOB: 12 July 1989
MARITAL STATUS: Single (very!)
FAV MEAL: Medium-rare pepper steak and steamed veggies
FAV DRINK: Supermalt
HOLIDAY DESTINATION: Casablanca, Morocco and Kilifi, Kenya

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