Tati landboard solves land headache

Kabelo Dipholo
LOCKED IN: NE District map showing all the free hold farms

93 percent allocation success achieved with 6 082 plots given out

828 ploughing fields to be allocated

Despite a well-documented acute shortage of land in the North-East District, Tati Land Board, led by the newly appointed Chairman, Fidelis Machola, seems to be doing well in managing the scarce commodity.

In their spirited efforts to respond to the long and winding waiting list, Machola and his team have managed an impressive 93 percent allocation, with 6 082 plots allocated from the 6,511 set target.

“This means there are 429 plots remaining to be allocated,” Machola noted.

The remaining plots will be allocated from Botalaote (357), Gambule (948) and Gungwe (50).

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In a recent address to the media, Machola said the board had planned to allocate both residential and ploughing fields this financial year and some of the plots have already been surveyed and are on queue for registration at the Deeds Registry.

“The total number of plots are 7 833, composed of 6 436 residential, 828 ploughing fields as well as 549 other land uses such as business, civic and community plots,” revealed Machola.

The chairperson further revealed that the 828 ploughing fields to be allocated this December and early January next year are in Masingwaneng (78), Mambo (57), Matsiloje (109) and Patayamatebele (584).

Furthermore, Tati Land Board has assessed newly identified land needed for expansion of villages.

“Currently, the board has 32 properties identified and assessed, totalLing 146.13 ha and amounting to P6,196,050.00,” he said.

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According to Machola, to also augment the land shortage, government has over the years purchased 20 freehold farms, which have since been tribalised.

“These farms, with a total area of 25, 213.6299ha, are generally used for grazing and some for tourism purposes.”

Machola said the process of preparation of detailed land uses within such areas is ongoing and the plans will be used to facilitate issuance of land titles where appropriate.

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The Tati Land Board chairperson noted that with the recent announcement that government intends to buy 45 000ha of land from Tati Company, they’re hopeful that more spaces will open up for the district.

“From what I understand, it’s state land, but we remain hopeful that a piece of the land will be tribalised and will benefit people in the district,” he said.

Machola further added that despite shortage of land in the district, illegal settlements have never been a problem in Tati District, save for a few areas in Tatisiding, Matshelagabedi and Matsiloje.

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