Sub-Council Chair accused of insulting colleague

AT LOGGERHEADS: Mafoko and Ramasiagopana

Business came to a standstill amid dramatic scenes at Kweneng District Council (KwDC) last week as the Chairman’s office degenerated into a theatre of profanities as Mogoditshane/Thamaga Sub District Council Chairman Duks Mafoko allegedly hurled insults at a colleague and threatened to beat him up.

The victim, 33-year-old KwDC Vice Chairman- Duncan Ramasiagopana, also Councillor for Gakgatla/Ramaphatle on Wednesday opened a police case against Mafoko following the chaotic incident.

The chaotic incident started last Tuesday during the council sitting when Mafoko, in his debate, allegedly used offensive language complaining that some members who have been elected in committees were useless.

According to the councillors, Mafoko uttered the words: “golo mo khanseleng mo go apointiwa basadi hela ba ba dimumu ba ba nnang ba itshasitse di lipstick ba ka seke ba kgone go buelela kgaolo…(the council appoints mute women, more concerned with applying lipstick than representing the constituency)” .

An offended councillor for Lesirane ward, Leungonyana Tsuokgo, later told this publication in an interview that the Sub District Council Chairman pointed accusing fingers at several committees including the Kweneng Trust where she is appointed.

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“I am the only woman appointed in Kweneng Trust and I just kept quiet when he attacked me. The following day (Wednesday) morning I registered to debate and when I stood up I complained that we are threatened by even those who are supposed to be protecting us,” explained the concerned Councillor Tsuokgo.

“As our Chairman at the Sub-District Council he is supposed to protect us not to attack us. That’s bad leadership quality. The issue then caused noise in the council chambers as fellow councillors thought I had not heard Mafoko’s abusive words towards me.”

KwDC Chairman, Motlhophi Leo who was not present during Mafoko’s debate was said to have then requested Vice Chairman- Ramasiagopana, to brief him about the previous proceedings before deciding to hear the issue later at his office.

“Surprisingly when I arrived from lunch on Wednesday I was shocked to hear that Mafoko attacked the Vice Chairman accusing him of influencing me to complain, but I never discussed anything with Ramasiagopana. I am surprised why our Chairman attacks us in a full council meeting. He could have called us first if he was worried about something rather than to abuse us,” said Tsuokgo.

When the councillors adjourned, Mafoko allegedly confronted Ramasiagopana and hurled profanities at him.

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Later when Ramasiagopana went for lunch at the Chairman’s office, Mafoko allegedly followed him and insulted him again in the presence of the Council Chairman and Council Secretary who intervened when Mafoko attempted to beat up the Vice Chairman.

Confirming the incident, Molepolole Police Station Commander- Superintendent Motlhaba Ramaabya, said they were investigating a case of use of insulting language involving two councillors.

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Though he was reluctant to divulge details of the case, Ramaabya revealed that the offense carries a fine P50 or a prison sentence not exceeding three months.

When commenting on the matter, Councillor Mafoko said he was not aware of the case reported before the police. “Instead I am the one who reported my issue that I was not happy about the council procedure. Ramasiagopana hurt me while inside the council. I then decided not to speak and later went to report to Chairman Leo who advised that we shall meet on Monday to discuss the issue”.


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