Stand-off in the suburbs

Christinah Motlhabane
HAPPIER TIMES: The Hollands on their wedding day

Cops’ tense three-day Molapo stake-out ends peacefully

On Monday morning, after a tense three-day stand-off in the suburbs of Molapo Estates, police negotiators finally talked a distressed suspect, believed to be armed with a rifle, into leaving his house and handing himself over to the cops.

35-year-old David Holland is accused of threatening to kill his wife, Althea Holland, as well as physically assaulting her.

With the boys in blue on his trial, Holland is said to have taken refuge at his plush Molapo home on Friday night, allegedly firing a warning shot into the air when officers attempted to enter the yard.

According to a well-placed source, fearing the suspect was high on drugs and worried this would cause him to behave unpredictably, the cops’ were extremely wary of entering the premise.

Thus, camped outside, it took the police the entire weekend to convince the accused wife-beater to give himself up.

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Following his arrest, Holland was hauled before Francistown Magistrates Court charged with threat-to-kill and assault occasioning bodily harm.

While the charge sheet makes no mention of what injuries were inflicted on the complainant, it states that on or about 20 April, at Botho Estate in Molapo, Holland warned his wife, “I will kill you and your children.”

Having initially told court he intended to defend himself, Holland then backtracked, announcing he had changed his mind and would be seeking legal representation after all.

The accused was kept in the cells overnight, appearing before court again the next day (Tuesday 25 April), this time with his attorney, who successfully secured his conditional bail.

Holland’s freedom was set at P1, 000, with two sureties also required to bind themselves to the same amount. He was also made to surrender his travelling documents and report to Kutlwano Police fortnightly.

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The state did not oppose bail, but requested to be allowed to search Holland’s home for the suspected gun as well as possible drugs that might be on the premises.

Although the request was granted, when asked how the search went, Kutlwano Station Commander, Neo Serumola told The Voice on Wednesday afternoon that he could not go into detail because the matter was before court.

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Holland is set to appear again on 1 June.

Stand-off in the suburbs
BAILED: A cuffed Holland at court
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