Soldier commits suicide with service rifle

Christinah Motlhabane
EXPLAINING: Assistant Superitendent Lawrence Nthoiwa


A middle-aged soldier based at Makobo village BDF camp shot himself to death on Sunday morning.

Confirming the tragic incident to The Voice Newspaper, Tatitown Assistant Superintendent, Lawrence Nthoiwa said it happened in the morning of Sunday around 7 0’clock.

“The deceased was working a night shift and scheduled to knock off at 9 am. Apparently around 7am he told his colleague he wanted to do something at the camp.
He took too long to return to where they were stationed so his colleague followed to check on what could have delayed his mate but as he approached the camp he heard a gun shot,” revealed Nthoiwa adding that the colleague frantically tried to open the door to the room that the other guy was in only to find out it was locked.

The Assistant Superintendent further explained that the colleague went on to notify others and the police were called to the scene to force the door open.

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“They then found the deceased lying down with a bullet wound below his heart. They rushed him to Nyangabgwe Referral hospital where he was certified dead. We do not know what transpired that caused him to kill himself. He did not leave any suicide note so we cannot say he had a problem because we are still investigating. What I can confirm though is that he had a car accident on Saturday night, hitting a pole, which we cannot associate with the suicide,” said Nthoiwa.

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