Shakawe schools stunned by defilement

Christinah Motlhabane
CONCERNED: Kebodiretswe

Police register four cases in a week

The normally peaceful North West village of Shakawe has been shattered by four suspected defilement cases involving schoolgirls in the village.

All four incidents were reported to police last week.

Confirming the disturbing development, Shakawe Police Station Commander, Keitshokile Kebodiretswe, revealed the suspects in all four cases are aged 20.

“The first case was reported on the 18th of this month. The uncle to the 16-year-old victim reported that his niece has been missing school. After enquiring, they found out she was staying with her 20-year-old boyfriend in Rwee village,” said the top cop, adding that during the course of their investigations they uncovered a second defilement.

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“We discovered that the friend to the victim knew about the relationship. We then found out that the 17-year-old friend was herself being defiled by a 20-year-old man from Maun,” said Kebodiretswe, noting that both girls are schooling at Shakawe Senior.

“Both suspects were arrested and released. We are waiting to complete our investigations before we take them to court.”

Three days later, on 21 August, police received a report of a third pupil from Shakawe Senior believed to have been defiled by her boyfriend. The 16-year-old is said to be seven months pregnant.

“The accused is a 20-year-old man from Kauxwi village. He was arrested and released and is yet arraigned before court,” said Kebodiretswe.

The final incident involves a 15-year-old student from Shakawe Junior School believed to be five months pregnant.

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“The case was reported on the 20th by a Guidance teacher. The suspect has not been arrested and according to the description we got from the girl, the suspect might be around 20 years,” he said.

The police boss expressed concern at the growing number of defilement cases in his policing area, noting that his office have recorded 16 cases since the start of the year.

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“Most of them are among school going girls. We used to have a program whereby we go into schools and educate the students on the dangers of indulging in sex at an early age but due to Covid-19 we no longer go. After Covid-19 we will continue with our program as the students do need the information, “closed the Superintendent.

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