Set to cruise

Daniel Chida

Three Ministers go unchallenged while G-North Braces for Fierce Contest

As the political landscape gets heated up ahead of the coming Botswana Democratic Party’s Primary elections, only three members of the ruling party who have expressed interest to contest for a Parliamentary seat in the coming elections are certain that they will bypass the party’s Bull Ditswe without a contest.

Leading the pack is none other than Vice President, Slumber Tsogwane, who also serves at the party Chairman.

Alongside him is the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Lemogang Kwape and Minister of Agriculture, Fidelis Molao.

The trio held firm in their respective constituencies which are, Boteti West, Kanye South and Shashe West and no one has put a name to challenge them.

Adding to the list is former Selibe Phikwe Mayor, Amogelang Mojuta whose opponents were vetted out by the regional committee.

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Those who were vetted out are Lucas Modimana who defected from Botswana Congress Party and Simon Sinku.

The final decision for those vetted out will be made by the Central Committee on a date yet to be set.

At Gaborone North constituency where the highest number of those who wanted to contest was recorded, three were vetted out.

From the seven who showed interest, the three who were vetted out are former, Gaborone City Council (GCC) Deputy Mayor, Lotty Manyapetsa, former Member of Parliament for Shoshong, Phillip Makgalemele and Tony Ndlebe.

Amidst the reshuffling of contenders, a diverse array of hopefuls remained.

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Boitshepo Bolele, Rebaone Seema, former MP and GCC Mayor, Haskins Nkaigwa and comedian- cum radio broadcaster; Michael Dignash Morapedi all vied for the shot at representing Gaborone North.

The area MP, Mpho Balopi took a decision not to take part in the 2024 general elections.

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Balopi did not only leave his parliamentary seat but also vacated the office of of BDP Secretary General.

2019 election results for the three uncontested constituencies were as follows

Lemogang Kwape: 11194
Victor Phologolo UDC: 6753
Abram Kesupile Independent Candidate: 487

Fidelis Molao: 7181
Alfred Mashungwa UDC: 5911
Blackie Ndwapi BPF: 482
Keagile Gaorekwe AP: 608

Tsogwane: 7006
Sam Digwa UDC : 6713
Michael Molatlhiwa AP: 344

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