Rex flexes his musical might

Tshepo Kehimile

At the of 23, Lereko Lesole, who started out as a bass player, music composer and director, is now trying his luck as an Afro fusion singer called Rex.

Having recently released his first official single ‘Ntumele’, Rex is optimistic about his future in the world of Afro fusion.

“After being a back up for so many local artists since 2017, I am really excited about this prospect. People’s responses to the new track have been great, both locally and internationally,” said the young singer who counts the Gospel star Tshepo Lesole as his uncle.

Indeed, the Kanye crooner attributes his passion for song to his famous relative.

“I grew up in a family that loved music. This is evidently shown by my uncle, who is a multi-award winning artist and producer. That cultivated my love for music.”

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Rex flexes his musical might

Giving Voice Entertainment an insight into his short music career to date, Rex revealed, “My talent is as a bass player. I contributed in numerous local artist’s songs such as my uncle, Berry Heart, Lorato Loeto, Odirile and Rose Marie just to mention a few.”

Although he admits a lack of financial power has been a setback, through his talents, Rex has gained international experience.

“I went on a European tour as a bass player backing vocalist and musical director for Botswana Jazz and Afro Fusion artists Socca Moruakgomo and Puna Gabasiane-Molale back in March last year and again in July at Lausanne Afro Fusion Festival (LAFF) in Switzerland.”

According to the aspirant Lesole, his biggest inspirations are, “I look up to iconic individuals such as Jabu Khanyile, Hugh Masekela, Concord Nkabinde and Salif Keita just to mention a few. However, my role model has to be my uncle. I admire his consistency and being true to his brand and I definitely want to be like him one day!”

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