Revellers show Rakgare, Healy dust

Healy-&-Rakgare (L-R)

Shaya was one of the many that attended the weekend do.

Obviously I was not at the VIP section I was amongst the hoi-polloi where the fun normally is.

Whilst I missed the porn that has seemingly been exposed on social media, I was amongst those who booed the Minister of Youth, Sports and Culture Development Tumiso Rakgare and his BDP fellow with a mohawk, Tumisang Healy.

The two BDP leaders walked on stage with the intention to have a word or two with us, but they were literally met and embarrassed with booes from the crowd.

Some, not Shaya though showed the two men the fingers in the air, now I am sure it is not a personal attack on the brothers but I know for sure the frustration was towards their party allegiance.

The youth are fed up, this is a sign.

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Dj Tips never received such a negative reception.

Shay would like to leave you with this word, Introspect gentlemen!

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