Rediscovering Botswana with Sonny and Thalefang

ON THE ROAD: Tlhalefang-&-Sonny-(L-R)

We caught up with the Rediscover Botswana leader of the expedition, photographer Thalefang Charles to take us inside their epic 8000km road trip dubbed ‘Big Big Expedition’ currently on.

The expedition is an initiative by journalists, Charles and Sonny Serite supported by Botswana Tourism Organisation (BTO) to promote domestic travel.

Q. What has been the biggest highlight?

Leaving. Throughout the planning phase we were worried about the possibility of a Greater Gaborone Lockdown due to Covid-19 that will destroy all our plans.

So leaving Greater Gaborone has been the biggest highlight of the trip so far.

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We only breathed a sigh of relief when we passed Jwaneng out of the Greater Gaborone.

Q. Lowest point?

My lowest point was being told that we couldn’t travel through Nossop Gate because of Covid-19.

It was sad for me personally because it is one of the routes that remain unchecked on my Botswana travel bucket list.

Q. Big surprise?

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Our detour after failing to travel through Nossop Gate was my biggest surprise and I was very happy that I discovered the route.

The road between Two Rivers and Khawa should be added on everyone’s wish list because there is no other road more beautiful in Botswana.

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Rediscovering Botswana with Sonny and Thalefang
FOR THE LOVE OF DUNES: Making rounds in the sand dunes

Q. Places you want to return to?

I will surely do the route between Khawa and Two Rivers.

I also need to go back to Kgalagadi Transfronteir Park (KTP) and cross it from Nossop to Mabuasehube.

Q. How many kilometres covered so far?

On Day 9 of 27, we have covered 3000 kilometres and now on the sixth district in Ngamiland.

Q. How are the expedition members doing?

Despite the long drives and taxing roads, the team is great.

Sonny, codenamed Firebrand has finished the firewood he has been carrying since he left Phakalane.

Dawson Ramsden (BTO) codenamed Forcepower has burst one tyre and still taking good care of the boys.

The filmcrew, Bashi Kikia and Donald Sejo, codenamed Eagle 1 Drone and Eagle 1 Video respectively are still delaying the team because of their filming.

Follow the expedition with #RediscoverBotswana

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