President Masisi promises women more power

Daniel Chida
SUPPORTING WOMEN: President Masisi

President Mokgweetsi Masisi has promised more senior positions for women in Botswana during his term.

Speaking during a joint Press Conference with the Prime Minister of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas Phillip Davis this week, Masisi said that although he has already promoted many women to senior positions, more will still be elevated to higher echelons of power in government.

“We have made strides in promoting women to senior positions, but our journey is far from over. More opportunities await, and more women will rise to lead alongside their male counterparts.”

The president said that as a nation, Botswana cannot ignore the wealth of talent, intelligence and dedication that women possess.

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“It is time to break down the barriers that have held them back and usher in a new era of equality and opportunity. And for the first time we have had a woman as Commissioner of Prisons and now Police as well as Senior Private Secretary to the President, but that is not all, many more are coming,” he said

“Today, we embark on a journey towards a future where equality thrives,” Masisi proclaimed.

His words visibly stirred hope among the women who attended the press conference, among them Permanent Secretary for State President, Goitsemang Morekisi, Acting Chief Executive Officer of Botswana Tourism Organisation, Keitumetse Setlang, Permanent Secretary to the President (PSP), Emma Peloetletse, Director of Information Services, Maria Leshongwane and Deputy Permanent Secretary to the President, Matshidiso Bokole.

Masisi also mentioned that, Prime minister Davis’s visit was meant to broaden the two nations bilateral relations and solidify a foundation laid by both countries former leaders who had visited each other’s countries.

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