Pools of death

Portia Mlilo
DECEASED: Mpho Tlhabano

Two lives lost at Big Valley and Big five lodges Mourning mother to sue Big five lodge.

The Big Five Lodge and its sister company, The Big Valley Lodge have come under fire from mourning parents whose children have drowned in the two lodges’ swimming pools.

Shedding a tear for her 19-year- old son who died in The Big 5 Lodge swimming pool in Mogoditshane, Lindah Tlhabano, 50, said that had there been a lifeguard her son’s death would have been prevented.

The incident occurred on December 22nd and since then the mourning family hasn’t heard from the lodge owner, Tina Puskas or any of the lodge representatives.

” They did not even care to send a message of condolences,” said the devastated mother.

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Although Big 5 Lodge has a disclaimer absolving it from liability for any injury or death that might be caused by swimming,” Tlhabano is planning to sue.

“These people are heartless. It is business as usual for them and they do not care that one of their clients has lost a life. Right now I am diagnosed with clinical depression because I feel there was negligence. I cannot find closure and Mpho’s younger brother is still traumatised because he helplessly watched his brother drown. We are currently assisted by a psychologist at Botswana Defence Force,” Tlhabano disclosed.

She said on the day of the incident her son, Mpho and his younger brother asked her to give them money to go for swimming, as it was hot.

She said an hour later she received a call from the younger brother that Mpho swam into the deep end and drowned.

‘My argument is that if there was a lifeguard my son could be alive. The accident occurred and management did not show any sympathy. Not even to come to our house to show some remorse. We went to my home village in Tonota to burry my son and it has been two months now without a word from them,” she said
When reached for a comment Puskas said she was out of the country when the incidents occurred.

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She said a few weeks ago she saw one of the mothers at the lodge with a psychologist and offered her apologies.

She further said she would be willing to visit the woman’s house to meet and offer her condolences and apologise some more if that’s what the woman wanted.

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Over the weekend another drowning victim, this time around from The Big Valley Lodge was laid to rest.

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