Plot to coup the mayor


There’s a political war going on in Francistown according to those close to the Civic Centre.

Apparently there’s a group of Botswana Democratic Party Members who are planning to oust the sitting Mayor, Godisang Radisigo.

Shaya has been reliably informed that disgruntled BDP members are working with some Alliance for Progressive agents to table a motion of no confidence on the Mayor.

Yours Truly has also learnt that the motion will come through an AP member of the house and get support from BDP backbenchers.

A concerned Councillor told Shaya that the BDP Regional Office has not shown any interest in the internal battles at Francistown City Council.

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“Everyone is focused on the coming Congress. People want to be aligned to the winning team,” he said.

Shaya also learnt that should the planned coup succeed AP has been promised the Deputy Mayor position.

Wow! Who’d have ever thought the purple movement can be this sneaky.

Shaya will be watching to see how this one pans out.

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