Party time as Mdu replaces King Bee

Mdu Tha Party


The voices are ever-changing at Live the Music radio station; the latest reshuffle comes after the resignation of the long-serving Loungo Pitse aka King Bee.

The popular Drive Time Show presenter is leaving Yarona FM to pursue further studies.

King Bee commands a huge following among the youth and his absence will leave a massive void at the youthful station.

Party time as Mdu replaces King Bee
Loungo “King Bee” Pitse

Attempting to fill his royal shoes will be Mdu Tha Party – a daunting task indeed!

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Mdu Tha Party has been hosting the 1200 to 1500hrs slot so perhaps moving to the 1500 to 1900hrs may not prove such a big step up.

Either way, we wish you both the best.

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