One Shirt, three ways!

Khoi Fro

Hey Mis T, I love love you and your column.

I really want to save and downsize to a maximum ofonce a week on the way I buy clothes.

Can you please help me with money saving tips and ways to improvise my wardrobe? I really want to be financial savvy. Lorato Modiedi.

Hey Lorato.

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Thank you for writing to me.

I must say you and I are on the same trail.

I am on a quest

to save money and not buy anymore clothes.

I have recently found a new love for upscaling my clothes and repurposing them.

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That is, I would wear the same garment in a different form on a daily,and intentionally.

It’s not only eco-friendly but I have learnt that sometimes the simple things in lifeare the most extraordinary.

I truly love a plain white shirt and I use it to repurpose and rotate it as often as I can because it is such a timeless wardrobe must have.

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A white shirt is one of the most versatile, you can dress up, it dresses down.

It’s the blank canvas around which you can you build any outfit.

Like Khumo Kitso, this is another way to save money, by repurposing your clothes and just having fun with them.

This is how to exceptionally wear your clothes, while taking into consideration, sustainable fashion practises like Khumo.

Follow her on Instagram @Khumo_Kitso for some new ways to wear your clothes, in more than one way.


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