Newly unveiled Kgosi Sebina urged to disregard boloi threats

Kabelo Dipholo
UP TO THE TASK: Kgosi Sebina

Newly announced Sebina Headman of Records, Kgosi Dominique Sebele Sebina has been cautioned against believing the myth that a chieftainship seat is often a poisoned chalice.

During his unveiling on Monday, Kgosi Tapson Madikwe of Tutume told Sebina that in Botswana a lot of rightful heirs to the throne are scared to assume their responsibility because they are afraid of dying.

Newly unveiled Kgosi Sebina urged to disregard boloi threats
WELCOMING THE NEW CHIEF: Many attended the unveiling

“Don’t listen to them when they say, the moment you sit on that Chair you’ll die. It’s a fable, scare mongering that has no place in today’s society. I was told the same thing, yet here I am, still very much alive!” said Kgosi Madikwe.

The Tutume royal instead urged the former Botswana Vaccine Institute (BVI) employee to focus on uniting his people and working well with royal seniors.

He further advised his fellow chief against partisan politics, which he warned will quickly destroy his reputation as a tribal leader.

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“Stay away from politics,” instructed Madikwe.

He also warned Sebina to prepare himself for odd visits from members of the society looking for favours.

Madikwe said he should be ready for people with pending cases, who will knock on his door at all hours and shower him with presents.

“Do not succumb to temptation. You’ll never be able to look the accused in the eye, and once that happens, there’ll be miscarriage of justice. Just know that the one who offers a bribe is the guilty party,” he advised, adding people faced with court cases have many tricks up their sleeves.

“Only a strong and upright leader will prevail upon them. O seka wa rekwa ka magwinya le bojalwa. (Don’t be bribed through fat cakes). Once you take a bribe, you’re in trouble. Don’t be a weakling, be strong and provide leadership,” was how Madikwe ended his pep talk.

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In her remarks, Kgosi Shathani Kgakanyane of Sebina similarly had plenty to say, warning her junior to watch his mouth when around his subjects.

“Today people have smart phones. They’ll record you and share the voice notes with your principals and make you look bad,” she said.

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Newly unveiled Kgosi Sebina urged to disregard boloi threats
EXPERIENCED HEADS: Kgosis Kgakanyane and Madikwe had plenty of advice for the new leader

Kgosi Kgakanyane, who rules over the six villages of Marapong, Semitwe, Nswazwi, Makuta, Matenge and Nshakazhogwe, welcomed the arrival of Kgosi Sebina, noting it will help relieve her of the heavy workload she has been carrying.

Despite Madikwe’s warning against mythical threats, Kgosi Kgakanayane advised Kgosi Sebina to watch where and what he eats.

“Ga go na plate ya kgosi (politely turn down meals specifically prepared for you),” warned Kgakanyane, a statement received stifled laughter and murmurs.

In his acceptance speech, the new leader vowed to work well with his people.

“Fortunately for me I don’t drink nor smoke, so no one can bribe me with alcohol,” promised Kgosi Sebina with a smile.

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