Ndaba, Bogolo unbothered

L-R: Bogolo & Kenewendo

They are perhaps the biggest surprises to miss out on a place in the 12th parliament.

The duo in question, however, leader of the Alliance for Progressives (AP) NdabaGaolathe and former Minister BogoloKenewendo were spotted at one of the high end restaurants enjoying a friendly meal whilst the announcement of the Specially Elected Members of Parliament (SEMP) was ongoing.

Shaya so wished to turn into a fly and listen in on the conversation but it seemed it was Ndaba’s way of calming down the once honorable Bae.

Shaya will not get into the politricks of why she was not brought back to parliament, I am not even sure if those alleged messages had anything to do with it.

Shaya wishes the two well in the future.

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But next time invite Shaya for a meal – I could sure use one!

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