Nata’s new start

Christinah Motlhabane

Village gets Kitsong Centre

As part of their commitment to pushing the ICT sector to new heights and bringing the digital world closer to Batswana, Mascom opened a Kitsong Centre in Nata last Friday.

The centre is the 114th to open its doors in Botswana and will be equipped with two computers and a printer, giving villagers the chance to access the Internet, check their e-mails and type-up documents.

Others services offered by the centre include: Sim card replacements, upgrades to 4G and selling airtime.

Handed the task of running the operation after flying through the extensive selection process, Nata native, Motlatsi Fredrick Gaerekwe, 31, said he couldn’t wait to get started.

“This is a big opportunity for me. Since I completed my tertiary education, it has been hard to find a job. The good part of it is that Mascom does not restrict one from indulging in other lawful businesses,” said the IT graduate, adding he believes this will be the start of a beautiful relationship.

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“I had big plans but did not know how to achieve them. I long wanted to host a Cultural Day and do charity to my community; with Mascom on my side, I hope they will assist me to fulfill my dreams,” continued Gaerekwe, who promised Mascom he would not let them down.

For her part, Mascom Head of Communications, Tebogo Sebego explained they saw fit to launch a Kitsong Center in Nata, as the village is growing rapidly and a gateway to both Maun and Kasane.

“Gaerekwe emerged as the operator after the competition was done. Profit that is going to be made will be his. We urge him to work with everyone in the village, be it the Village Development Committee or private companies and see how they are doing,” she said, noting Nata had recently been hit by thieves stealing batteries, leaving the village without Internet.

Sebego wrapped up by advising the public to be wary of scammers posing as Mascom agents. She revealed the crooks’ usual modus operandi was to call unsuspecting clients with claims they had won a competition but needed to make a small deposit to claim their winnings.

OFFICIALLY OPEN: Nata\’s Kitsong Centre
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