Nata Senior School gutted by fire

Kitso Ramono
GUTTED DOWN: the hostels were consumed by a raging inferno

Last night (Thursday 29 June), for the second time in four years, the boys dormitories at Nata Senior Secondary School were lit up by a devastating fire.

This time the flames were confined to the top floor of the three-tiered Form Four Boys hostel, causing thousands of Pulas worth of damage to property as well as belongings.

Fortunately, Nata police Station Commander, Begah Nawa, confirmed no one was injured in the blaze, which broke out at around 6:30pm when the students were in evening study.

“When we arrived at the scene, we discovered that only the top floor of the building was on fire. We had to request assistance from Sowa Town Council because they are the ones who have fire fighter trucks,” revealed Nawa, adding the fire engines arrived approximately 30 minutes later and were able to put the fire out.

“No injuries or casualties were recorded as a result of the fire, only student property, such as books, clothes and food, were destroyed beyond repair. The second floor, which is the building’s final floor, burnt to ashes, leaving just the ground and first floors intact,” continued Nawa.

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The top cop told The Voice Online investigations were on-going to establish the cause of the inferno.

“All students were attending their evening classes when the fire started. The security guards who checked to see if everyone had left the dorms confirmed that they had cleared the dorms and there was no one around,” revealed Nawa.

The police boss admitted there were strange similarities to the first fire that hit the school back in November 2019, which, although it affected a different block, the Four Five Boys dormitories, was also restricted to the top floor.

“We suspect it may be due to electrical flaws in the structure or foul play by someone or persons, thus we are conducting an inquiry to prevent speculation,” Nawa concluded.

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