Morwaeng clashes with councillors

Daniel Chida
TROUBLED: Kabo Morwaeng

Tensions within the Molepolole South Constituency have intensified as some councillors accuse their Member of Parliament (MP), Kabo Morwaeng, of sidelining them during his constituency tours.

The MP is accused of holding kgotla meetings without informing or inviting certain councillors, leading to discontent within the party ranks.

Ntloedibe Ward Councillor, Jeffrey Sibisibi, expressed his dissatisfaction, stating that he only learned of the MP’s kgotla meeting in his area a night before it was held.

“I learnt through public announcement, and when I talked to other councillors, I found that they were in the same situation too,” said Sibisibi, who is considered a prominent challenger for Morwaeng’s seat.

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Sibisibi complained about the situation, highlighting the need for unity among party members.

“It’s disturbing. I ended up attending the meeting despite not being invited. I gate-crashed that meeting and sat among the public instead of the top table, which is the usual practice because I was not invited,” added Councillor Kabelo Selome of Bonewamang Ward.

Ontlafetse Slumber Mokgosi, Deputy Chairman for Kweneng District Council, echoed the sentiments of other councillors, expressing concern about the negative impact on the party’s image.

He acknowledged the existence of internal factions but emphasized the need for unity.

Morwaeng, who also serves as the Minister for State President, dismissed the allegations, asserting that invitations were sent to all stakeholders, including councillors.

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He urged councillors to approach him directly if they had concerns, emphasizing that his office was open to dialogue.

Morwaeng denied any intention of sidelining councillors and insisted that they were present and participated in the meetings.

The rivalry between Morwaeng and Sibisibi has escalated, with Sibisibi expressing interest in contesting the Botswana Democratic Party’s primary elections against Morwaeng.

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The two have a history of conflicts, with Morwaeng reporting Sibisibi to the party’s Secretary General for alleged breaches of party rules.

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