ZCC pastor fined P20, 000 for marriage wrecking

Portia Mlilo

How much money can fix a broken heart?

For 46-year-old Kaboyaone Senwedi, P20, 000 will have to do.

That was how much Matshelagabedi Customary Court ordered ZCC pastor Phillimon Mabise to pay for ruining Senwedi’s marriage.

Although he had been seeking P130, 000 to dry his tears, the Thamaga native assured The Voice he was happy with the amount.

“Justice has finally been served,” he declared simply.

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Having been together for 15 years before tying the knot in 2017, Kaboyaone and Chike Pricillah Senwedi’s marriage fell apart in less than two years.

Senwedi’s worst fears were confirmed last August. After receiving a tip-off from villagers, he drove 700km through the night from his workplace in Jwaneng, arriving in Matshelagabedi the following morning to catch his woman in the pastor’s bedroom.


His suspicions had originally been aroused in December 2019 when Chike left with Mabise for an all night prayer session.

“She came back the following morning and when I tried to touch her, she jumped off the bed and sat on the floor. I realised something was wrong. She then told me that her ZCC pastors had told her I was cheating on her and I had a girlfriend that I was planning to marry,” said Senwedi, dismissing such talk as nonsense.

In her testimony before court last Friday, Chike, 41, did not deny her infidelity. Instead she accused her soon-to-be ex-husband of neglecting his family, including their four children (two of whom are biologically Senwedi’s).

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She insisted this neglect was what drove her into the arms of another man.

“I am like a widow because the last time I saw this man was last year. I reported the matter to the District Commissioner and was advised to seek legal help from Legal Aid Botswana because

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“I wanted to divorce him but could not afford a lawyer. They are handling my divorce case and it is still pending before court. Monna yo o mpatlile ka mmolella gore ga ke na monna (this man asked me out and I told him I am single)” testified a defiant Chike, who had to explain to Kgosi Oganne Polson she did not have a divorce certificate as the case is still pending before court.

Despite her impassioned speech, Chief Polson decided Chike was conflicted and her evidence ‘not convincing enough’.

He then fined Mabise P20, 000 for marriage wrecking, to be paid within three moths.

Although he is out of pocket, the ZCC pastor at least has a woman to console him as he is now living with Chike.

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