Meat dealers donate beef

Ngamiland Abattoirs and Beef Boys meat processors lent a helping hand towards the food relief program with a meat donation to Maun Administration Authority.

Ngamiland abattoir donated meat which is to be distributed in six kilogram packages per household while Beef Boys donated 250 packages that include vegetables and sausages.

Speaking at the brief handover ceremony at MAA, Maun West Member of Parliament, Dumelang Saleshando, expressed gratitude towards the generous gift to the people of Ngamiland.
“We all know that businesses are not doing well at the moment, but for you to find it fit to give and extend such a helping hand to our communities at this time is highly appreciated,” Saleshando said as he called on other local businesses to help the less privileged.

He added that many people in Ngamiland live in abject poverty and in desperate need of assistance especially during the lockdown period.

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Last week, North West District Commissioner, Keolopile Leipego suggested that many people in the district were in dire need of food hampers and living in poverty because of low income.

The movement restrictions meant that many people could not go out to fend for themselves and thus the government introduced food hampers and set up a COVID-19 relief fund which is open for donations.

Botswana went into lockdown at the beginning of last month as more COVID-19 cases were reported and rapidly spreading in the neighbouring South Africa.

Currently Botswana is among the countries with fewer COVID-19 cases and has since reported one death while United States of America has recorded most deaths globally at over 91 000.

As of today, over 319 000 people around the world were reported to have died from this virus that broke out in China late last year.

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