Masitara-the COVID 19 super spreader


It hurts to see some leaders flagrantly flouting covid- 19 protocols when new positive cases are increasing by the day.

The latest to be caught on camera being dangerously careless is businessman cum –philanthropist, Robert Masitara who used the Easter holidays to tour part of Molapowabojang/Mmathethe constituency where he gathered people yet failed to have them social distance.

Masitara shared pictures of himself posing with residents of Ntlhantlhe, Ranaka, Gopong and other villages where he said he had gone to ‘reinforce bonds’ while at the same time taking the opportunity to brief people about his eminent political move.

In the photos, not a single person is wearing a mask and there is no social distancing. Shaya is giving you the title of, ‘Covid 19 Super spreader sir.’

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