Maruapaula honours fathers

Grooving in the Ghetto

The Director of Ebat guest lodge, Ogomoditse Maruapula will hold the 3rd edition of Father’s Day conference celebration at his lodge (Ebat) in Tatisiding on Saturday, June 24.

It will be celebrated under the theme, Fathers men of substance.

Maruapula indicated that the aim of the day is to honour role model fathers and to encourage men to be role model fathers.

“Certificates of recognition will be awarded by Botswana Bible Training Institute to those who attend the event as a token of recognition that fathers are made in the image of God,”said Maruapula. Topics to be discussed are, a father as a custodian and disciplinarian, guidance, student fathers and challenges they face and expectations of mothers from fathers.


Samochima native, Kabelo Xakarara (Xwalla Da Cash) who likes boasting about being a Mosarwa dropped his 3rd single last week called Di’Plaka.

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It is an AfroPop single recorded at Mac Pasi records in Ghantsi.

Maruapaula honours fathers
Xwalla the Cash

The 31-year-old Xwalla says his single, Di’Plaka, is a song that can be played anywhere, more especially when people want to have fun like at the bars, parties and weddings.


“They say life begins at 40, so I decided to have my first ever birthday celebration, celebrating my 40 years on this planet. It will be my first time to have a cake on my birthday,” said Ras T.

The band producer Ras-T Raspantsola will throw his birthday bash in Francistown on the 15th of July.

Maruapaula honours fathers

It will be held at Spaghetti Valley near Marang hotel.

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The performing artists on the day will be Mc Maswe, King Zee, Mteezy, Dj Polyster, Mazganda band, Kenny Ndaba, Jojo, Mr Rwabling, Mapantsula, Madala and Kelly Jass and King Fibre.

The event kickstarts at 1400 hours until 0000 hours.

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