Man who raped granny twice to be sentenced

Christinah Motlhabane

“If I am to be sent to prison, no one will look after our livestock. I am the breadwinner, I am the one who was taking care of my father,” said a serial rapist in court without remorse.

The 43-year-old Babolokeng Makhujwana appeared before Francistown Magistrates Court last week Friday for his mitigation. Sentencing was set for August 23rd.

Makhujwana was convicted last month for a crime he committed on December 5, 2021, at Mapatse cattle post where he raped a 63-year-old woman.

It was not the first time Makhujwana raped the widow whose husband was murdered by the rapist’s father years back.

He raped the same granny years back and was sentenced to 10 years in 2011.

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When he was released, he attacked her again after she visited her friend and stayed for the night.

After raping the woman, he fled the scene and was arrested after some days.

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