Labour Unions mourn Kenosi

Daniel Chida

The Labour movement is mourning the passing of the former Secretary General of Botswana Teachers Union, Ibo Nana Kenosi who succumbed to Covid 19 at Sir Ketumile Masire Teaching Hospital this week.

In an interview with The Voice, Botswana Land-board Local Authorities and Health Workers Union (BLLAHWU)’s Secretary General, Ketlhalefile Motshegwa described Kenosi as,”a shrewd and passionate strategist, who would go all out for what he wants to achieve.”

“He was a go getter indeed. I addressed many workers meetings with him , but the most memorable one , was the one I addressed with him and Tobokani Rari in Ramotswa around 2013.It was a meeting addressed by the three Secretary Generals of BTU, BOSETU, BLLAHWU. After the said meeting, our secondments to head office of Unions were revoked and other organisational rights to Trade Unions by the Government,” Motshegwa said.

Motshegwa remembered how the trio had to approach court for restoration of the secondments and other organisational rights. Kenosi, Motshegwa said will be dearly missed within the labour movement for his dedication and hard work.

“ As the Labour movement we are deeply saddened by the passing on of a militant Trade Unionist. The labour movement mourns this dedicated and committed Trade Unionist who truly led in the front of the trenches of workers struggle, He was part of the team of five public sector unions that met at Thabathula to craft the, “Thabathula declaration” which outlines the socio-economic and political agenda of labour movement in Botswana . He was a vocal , radical , militant Trade Unionist who had the interests of workers at heart. Then again he was a warm hearted , easy going human being who mingled with everybody peacefully,” said Motshegwa as he remembered his colleague fondly.

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At the time of his demise the 43 year old Nshakazhogwe born was working as Anti Money Laundering, Compliance and Industrial Relations Manager at Getbucks.

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