Kasale-Kabango spirit of charity lives on

IN LOVING MEMORY: Beata Kasale-Kabango


Y-Care Charitable Organisation will hold its second annual Marokolwane Charity Walk on Saturday, February 22nd.

Held in honour of the late iconic media guru and publisher of The Voice newspaper, Beata Kasale-Kabango, Marokolwane 20km- walk will start from Marokolwane farms, off the A1 road near Rasesa where Kasale- Kabango lived and end at the same place.

Ausi B, as Kasale-Kabango was affectionately known in media circles passed away two years ago at the age of 57 but her legacy lives on through charity and journalism.

Y-Care launched the Marokolwane walk last year to raise funds for a charitable course of Kasale Kabango’s family choice.

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Y-Care Charitable Trust Coordinator, Sarona Moabi said proceeds from the walk would go towards a charitable trust or organisation that Kabango would have supported during her lifetime.

” Last year we raised P1400, which we handed over to the Kabango family to hand over to a charity of their choice. Before she died -Mma- Kasale had indicated that she wanted to assist a disabled person in Rasesa to install a running water stand pipe in his yard,” Moabi said.

Y-Care charity walkers

“Y-Care decided to honour Kasale Kabango because she has been a staunch supporter of the charitable organisation from inception until her untimely death. As our media partner through The Voice newspaper, her support for Y-care was unwavering right from the beginning. She was a businessman but she was also a humanitarian,” Moabi said.

The walk will start at 6am and registration can be done online @www.ycare.org.bw or Y-Care Facebook page while a registration fee of P50 is payable at the beginning of the walk on the day or in advance at Y-Care offices.

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