Jumping to a new low

N COURT: College

Man allegedly jumps wall to stab lover

Fed-up at being denied entry into his on/off lover’s yard, a 50-year-old security guard is said to have jumped the screen wall and, after a short altercation, stabbed her.

The incident reportedly took place on Sunday evening in Francistown city centre at the complainant, Mpho Pheki’s house near John Mackenzie School.

The suspect, Ntibi College was arrested the next day and hauled before the Magistrates Court on Tuesday charged with unlawful wounding.

It seems the couple had been dating for a while but did not live together.

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Police suspect the trouble started when College, who resides in Block 1 and is employed as a security guard by Security Systems, went round to see his lover.

However, when Pheki repeatedly refused to open the gate, the increasingly agitated suspect allegedly hopped the wall and stabbed her.

During his brief court appearance, College admitted the relationship had been on the rocks for quite some time and that the love had been decidedly one-way.

“I think our love has been over since September. I believe something came between us, as I am the only who normally visits but she never makes any effort to come to my place to visit me,” revealed the accused sadly.

With Pheki still in hospital and the cops yet to locate the weapon used in the crime, the Investigation Officer, Sipho Sekopa asked court to keep College locked up.

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“The complainant is still undergoing treatment. As yet, we are unaware of her condition or the degree of the injury,” admitted the Sergeant, adding he is worried that if College is granted bail ‘he might finish what he started’.

For his part, the suspect begged for freedom, noting he would lose his job and his children left unattended should he be sent to the slammer.

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His reasons failed to move the Magistrate, however, who remanded College in custody until 22 February, when he is next due back in court.

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