Arrest my Baby Mama

DESPERATE: Ogaufi Marumoloa

Frustrated father’s passionate plea for access to his child

A distraught father, Ogaufi Marumoloa, has found himself seeking the assistance of The Voice Newspaper to speak out about his ordeal after “exhausting all the possible means” to get help against the mother of his child, Tshepo Nalesha.

The 38-year-old Goodhope man is crying foul at the handling of the investigation of his case by the Broadhurst Police Station in Gaborone.

Marumoloa refers to the case in which he has applied for the arrest of his baby mama for failure to comply with the terms of the Child Access order as granted by the Broadhurst Magistrate Court in September of 2015.

This publication is in possession of two documents from 2015, a Restraining Order against Tshepo Nalesha and Neo Nalesha who is the mother of Tshepo Nalesha and a Child Access Order.
Marumoloa said in an interview that he was forced to apply for the restraining order against the duo following the harassment he had to endure from them in terms of financial demands and failure to account for those finances.

“Even though they wanted money from me, money they couldn’t account for they still barred me from seeing my daughter. I was a student then and could not deal with so much stress and little pay.”

The court did order Marumoloa to pay P400 per month for the maintenance of the child as per his abilities, but Nalesha once proposed an increase to Marumoloa who had no problem complying provided previous money was accounted for.

That is my point of contention even right now.

Some of the terms of the Child Access Order include notification of the father of all the movements of the child in terms of travelling and relocations.

The court also ordered that Marumoloa be involved in the nurturing of the child.

“My daughter was taken without my consent from Goodhope where she schooled to Notwane Primary School in Gaborone. To make matters worse, my daughter had to live with her mother’s then boyfriend. Also, one day I wanted to take my daughter for her preschool graduation but she (Nalesha) told me that her mother (Neo Nalesha) will be there with her and she indeed she was, which made me to appear like a mere guest at my daughter’s graduation.”

Marumoloa states emotionally that he has been following Nalesha around requesting to be put in their daughter’s birth certificate but she is always “too busy”.

His primary complaint is the amount of time taken to investigate the matter.

The Station Commander, Obusitse Lokae confirmed they have his case with them and that the case is not really a problem.

“The case is somehow messed up in that sometimes when we call the accused to the station she is sick with stroke complications or like recently she became a nursing mother and therefore wasn’t available. Sometimes we’d call her to the office and pitifully send her back because of her state. We cannot call someone to court in such an early age of motherhood.” The station commander calmly explained.

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