Herdboy fined 1k for impala meat

Christinah Motlhabane
RELIEVED: Segaetsho's liberty was spared...his pocket was not!

A young herdboy caught with a small piece of impala meat he received from strangers in the bush has been fined P1, 000 for unlawful possession of a government trophy.

22-year-old Brighton Segaetsho will be wishing he went to the butchers instead, as a similar sized lump of beef is likely to have cost him just P50 – and probably would have tasted much better as well!

To add to his financial woes, the Zimbabwean was hit with an additional P1, 000 fine for being in the country illegally. He has until 20 February to stump up the 2k, with failure to pay carrying a two-year jail term (a year for each offence).

During Friday’s short session before Francistown Magistrates Court, Segaetsho begged for mercy, revealing he has a small baby who he fends for back home.

“I am also the one taking care of my parents, so sending me back to jail will affect them a lot. I plead with this court to give me a lesser sentence,” he said in a voice barely more than a whisper.

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Fortunately for Segaetsho, the court was in a forgiving move and his liberty was duly spared – providing, of course, he can pay!

The youthful man has been languishing behind bars since his arrest on 11 December, when the boys in blue busted him with his illicit snack at a farm in Patayamatebele, a remote North East settlement.

He claimed to have been given the meat, which he insists he did not know was impala, from unknown men he met in the bush when taking his cattle to the water hole for a drink.

Segaetsho will now pay a costly price for making the mistake of accepting food from strangers!

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