Hands off our Kgosikgolo

Daniel Chida

Bangwato up in arms as Khama arrest looms

News that a warrant of arrest is likely to be issued against former President Ian Khama has not gone down well in Serowe, with Bangwato demanding answers at a tense Kgotla meeting in SKI’s home village on Wednesday.

Proceedings took an unplanned turn when attendants diverted from the original agenda of the day, a simple consultation on developments and Parliament business led by the Member of Parliament for Serowe North, Baratiwa Mathoothe.

When given a chance to speak, one after the other, residents voiced their displeasure at what they view as ‘harassment by state agents towards their Kgosikgolo. Others went a step further, offering to help beef up Khama’s security if he so desires.

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Requesting Khama address them in Serowe before the end of the week, some even expressed concern that SKI’s life may be in danger.

Confirming the events of Wednesday’s meeting, Mathoothe admitted the villagers were angry and demanding answers he did not have.

“They have asked me to pass their message to him because they think he is no longer safe because of the events that have been happening. Some of the have offered to protect him if need be,” revealed the Botswana Patriotic Front (BPF) member.

Although what happened in Serowe is viewed by some as a ticking time-bomb poised to divide the country along North and South lines when it explodes, Mathoothe urged people to remain calm.

As of Wednesday evening, no official document of warrant of arrest has been seen.

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Khama too has declined to comment on such matters.

There were unconfirmed reports Khama was to be arrested following the arrest and detention of former Directorate of Intelligence and Services (DIS) boss, Isaac Kgosi. Kgosi spent three days in detention and was only granted bail on Wednesday afternoon.

The one-time spy supremo faces six counts of possession of three armoured vests belonging to the Botswana Police, possession of military uniform resembling that of the Botswana Defence Force (BDF), possession of battle vest and tactical back bags belonging to DISS, possession of forged or irregular documents purporting to be specimen of Botswana passport, forged or irregular documents purporting to be an ID in the names of Ian Khama and possession of ammunition without a licence.

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