Going with the wind

Sinqobile Tessa

CCC set for change

The main opposition Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) is in deep trouble and, if the grapevine is anything to go by, will soon be in the political wilderness.

When the self -styled Secretary General, Sengezo Tshabangu first recalled Members of Parliament and councillors from Bulawayo last year, many thought it was just a minor setback.

Little did they know that the man would recall almost all legislators and councilors across the entire country!

Currently, only a few are still standing and the ruling Zanu PF has been the biggest beneficiary in all the chaos.

In most bye elections, the ruling party has been handed victory on a silver platter as the opposition did not field a candidate.

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This is mainly because Tshabangu made sure that those who were recalled do not stand again.

What has been interesting about this whole opposition fiasco is that the High Court and Zimbabwe Electoral Commission have seemingly been in good books with the former, who was a nonentity in the opposition circles until he started having powers to recall.

Tshabangu has even gone to the extent of saying his party will elect new leaders, showing he has no regard whatsoever for Nelson Chamisa.

It is against this background that there is now talk of Chamisa dumping the party to form another, which will his third different political ‘home’ in five years.

CCC marked its second anniversary this week. It was formed in 2022 following squabbles over the name Movement for Democratic Change-Alliance.

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Chamisa, who was apparently the brains behind the yellow party, became its President.

However, there were no party structures nor constitution, a loophole which gave Tshabangu and his handlers the powers to impose himself as the SG and recall elected MPs and councillors.

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When CCC was formed, there was much euphoria among citizens and Chamisa drew large crowds at his rallies.

The electorates showed their love and confidence in the party by their votes in August’s general elections; thanks to Tshabangu, all that progress has now gone to waste.

Chamisa, meanwhile, seems not to have the stomach to fight for the party and its supporters; instead he is blaming sellouts within the inner circle of the CCC for the party’s troubles.

Maybe it’s time he also did some introspection which will give him pointers as to what needs to be fixed.

If he goes ahead and starts another party with the same mentality he had when CCC was formed, he runs the risk of eventually becoming that politician who forms parties which have no future.

And in the end he will have zero supporters.

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