Glody Dube fobs off hostile takeover


After toiling tirelessly for years to establish the Grand Prix Track and field as a successful sporting event, a retired athlete, Glody Dube has found himself locked in a battle for control of the Gaborone international meet with government.

The fall out between Dube and Botswana National Sports Council (BSC) is massive.

The clash has led to accusations and counter accusations with Dube’s lawyer speaking out on Wednesday night to assure athletics lovers and fans that an attempt at a hostile take over by governments in cahoots with Golden Door Sports Agency (GDSA) employee has been foiled and the event, scheduled for April 14 will go on as planned under its rightful owners, being GDSA.

This week, Dube received communication suggesting that the three-year contract between World Athletics and Golden Door Sports Agency (the designated organiser of the event) has been terminated and his lawyer sprang into action to reverse the decision, which he said was based on fabrications by some BNSC officials who thought the coveted event was ripe and ready for the picking.

Golden Door lawyer, Ishmael Matebele went on to explain that Robert Wagner, who was employed by Dube to help him run this world event, wanted to, through the help of the BNSC Chief Executive Officer Tuelo Serufho usurp the event rights from Dube.

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Glody Dube fobs off hostile takeover
BNSC CEO: Serufho

“Serufho tried to influence World Athletics to terminate Dube’s contract, at first claiming he did not have the resources to host the event. When that didn’t work, he then accused Dube of failing to account, which is a total fabrication. Why should Serufho audit Golden Door, where does he get the authority? Wagner was an employee of Golden Door, and he cannot come from outside and run Dube’s event in his jurisdction without his consent. Golden Door has written a complaint to Athletics Integrity Unit, and they will be investigating all issues related to sports especially employees of World Athletics,” said Matebele

Matebele further noted that they have also written a letter to the Minister of Sports and the Permanent Secretary seeking protection against Serufho whom he accused of perpetual harassment of Dube.

Meanwhile when responding to the allegations levelled against BNSC, the organisation’s Marketing and Communications Manager, Anderson Nlisana noted that the commission is currently engaging with relevant stakeholders including Golden Door Sports Agency in an attempt to address the decision by World Athletics to revoke the Grand Prix hosting rights.

Glody Dube fobs off hostile takeover
DURING GOOD TIMES: Dube and Robert

He went on to say allegations that the BNSC CEO is partnering with a foreign national to take the event from the local entity is categorically false.

When reached for a comment Kemoeng said he hasn’t received the letter. He said losing the rights will be a big blow and a bad image for the country.

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“Sometimes early this year I heard there is tension between Serufho and Dube then I called them for a meeting. I must say I was just doing that as their elder brother, not in my capacity as PS. I advised them to sort out their differences for the benefit of this country. I was surprised to read stories in the media about Dube losing the rights to host the grand Prix,” said Kemoeng

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