Excited for C.A.L.M


I don’t know if you have heard of these girls but my oh my, they are really impressive on stage.

Shaya has seen them performing at a number of events in GC and each time they set the place alight.

I have been researching more on them and I’m told the group is called C.A.L.M which stands for: Chantel, Atsile, Lebo and Malaika.

Unfortunately groups like this never tend to last but Shaya is rooting for this one and wishing them all the best.

Last week, controversial businesswoman, Mmammidi, as she’s popularly called, caused a stir when she posted pictures of herself sprinkling salt onto a fire at her eatery before opening up for customers.

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Chillin Out Friday 12 May 2023

While some supported her move, insisting she was within her rights to use Salt of Earth, as the substance is known others felt it was a Bizabiza.

They now believe the salt is the one that’s been calling them to the restaurant and not the tasty food!

Ohh, some even pointed our your slightly scruffy nails – not such a good look for a chef! You should be more careful what you post, and keep your phone away when doing other things!


A certain Assistant Minister, known for their love of the limelight, is said to have made a costly mistake at Selibe Phikwe Economic Diversification (SPEDU) by apparently bullying the board into not renewing the contract of one of the Directors.

The ugly behaviour has left government in an almighty mess, with a possible lawsuit heading its way!

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As a junior Minister, you should consult your superior before taking such decisions – unless your portfolio gives you the power to act as such, which Shaya highly doubts!

You made a similar mistake at your previous posting by undermining the Minister.

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Enough is enough, this behavior has to end otherwise govt will be cleaning up your mess all the time!


Shaya got quite the shock over the weekend at the sight of a heavily pregnant Chauya Nature taking to the stage with her group Skelem Key to perform.

The group were in tour, performing in Gantsi and Charsehill on Friday and Saturday and Shaya was interested to see who would join Sour Man BW – another lead singer – on stage.

Chillin Out Friday 12 May 2023
EXPECTING : Skelem Key Fam

I certainly wasn’t expecting it to be Chabuya, who must be due in the delivery room any day now!

Although the group gave an electric show, Shaya only had eyes for Chabuya, and had the medics on speed-dial, half expecting her waters to break mid performance!

All went well but my advice…. The rest is fine

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