Death and double defilement

Christinah Motlhabane

Schoolgirl, 14, sleeps with two men in two days

Tatitown Police in Francistown are investigating a disturbing case in which a Standard Six girl was allegedly defiled by two different men in separate incidents withing the space of two days.

It seems the child, 14, of Semitwe village near Marapong, slept with a 48-year-old man on Sunday afternoon. The following day (30 May), she proceeding to a younger man’s house, aged 23, where she spent the night and was allegedly defiled again.

The matter reached the police on Tuesday morning shortly after the girl returned home and told her parents where she had been.

Confirming the startling allegations to The Voice, Tatitown Station Commander, Boipuso Baatweng revealed, “Upon interrogation the girl told the police that she slept with a 48 year old man before going to spend the night with the other man. The two were located and found, they are now helping the police with the investigations.”

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The police boss admitted defilement cases were worrisome in his jurisdiction and advised parents to keep a close eye on their children, especially the girl child.

He also cautioned men against sleeping with young girls.

“Defilement is a serious offence that one can go to jail for a long time so men should resist from sleeping with girl’s underage,” said the Superintendent.

Still at Tatitown police, the cops confirmed that a badly injured 34-year-old man found unconscious in someone’s back yard in Mathangwane in the early hours of Saturday morning has died from his wounds.

According to Baatwang, officers got a call that someone was walking around in the yard and they suspect it could be a thief.

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“Upon arriving at the scene, the police found that the man had head and chest injuries. They rushed him to Nyangabgwe Referral Hospital where he died upon arrival. So far we are still investigating and have not made any arrests. The owners of the yard where the man was found are helping us with the investigations,” disclosed the top cop.

Rumours in the village are divided, with some saying the deceased was trying to steal while others insist he was drunk and did not know where he was going.

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