Dagga cases on the rise in Bobonong

Portia Mlilo
CAUSE FOR CONCERN: Dagga cases on the rise

Bobonong Police Station Commander, Superintendent Paul Seoko, has raised concern over increasing numbers of illegal possession of dagga in his policing area.

Speaking to The Voice Online, Seoko said from January to September they have registered 12 cases compared to last year where they recorded 10 cases around the same period.

He said arrests are usually made when they conduct the stop, question and search operations or at roadblocks.

The Station Commander said the culprits normally do home deliveries to their customers.

“Most of the suspects are youth and we do not know who supply them with this drug. Just last week Wednesday we had a head-on car accident along Bobonong-Molalatau road and two people lost their lives. At the scene in one of the cars which was driven by a 37-year-old Zimbabwean man driving from Molalatau, we discovered a bag full of 37 sachets of dagga. The driver was rushed to the hospital where the doctor certified him dead. A Passenger in another car aged 32 years from Motlhabaneng village was also certified dead upon arrival at the hospital. The driver was referred to Nyangabgwe where he is fighting for his life,” said Seoko.

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Seoko said they managed to locate the family of the Zimbabwean man who have since collected his body for burial.

He said the deceased had a valid passport but he had overstayed and unlawfully remained in Botswana.

Though the investigations are ongoing, the Station Commander said they suspect he was under the influence of dagga and alcohol as they also found cans of beer in his car.

Meanwhile Seoko said they are also investigating a case in which a 46-year-old man of Makhura ward in Molalatau was found hanging from a tree on the 12th of this month.

He said he was rushed to Bobonong hospital where he was certified dead.

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Seoko said the man allegedly stabbed his girlfriend with a knife in Motlhabaneng before committing suicide.

He said the man was a regular client at their police station as he had many pending cases of stock theft before Semolale and Bobonong police.

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