Chilling out Fri 28 October 2022


Keeping up appearances

Shaya is stunned at the lengths Vice President, Slumber Tsogwane, will go to for a picture opportunity.

Officiating at a donation in Rakops over the weekend, the country’s second-in-command was charged with unveiling a special plaque to commemorate the occasion.

Pressed for time but with the BTV cameras nowhere to be seen, Slumber had little choice but to continue with the presentation under the watching glare of the private media.

However, when government journalists finally turned up, Slumber dragged everyone back so he could unveil the plaque all over again! Eish, I know keeping up appearances is important and attention is addictive but surely that’s going over the top!

Chilling out Fri 28 October 2022
CONFIDENT: Lopang Pule

Petty politics in Ghetto

Politicians never cease to amaze. Apparently the failed attempt to pass a motion of no confidence in the Francistown City Council Town Clerk, Lopang Pule, was based on petty and unfounded accusations.

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In a plot doomed from the very beginning, the Botswana Democratic Party councillors chickened out, as no one had the guts to table a motion during a Full Council session earlier this month.

Like typical politicians, after caucusing and coming up with a plan, some of the councillors double-crossed their allies by tipping-off the TC and the Mayor.

The snitches obviously want to win favour with the city leadership and had no hesitation in letting the cat out the bag. Apparently the councillors were not happy that an opposition Councillor, Gaone Majere, was part of a delegation that went to Sweden at the invitation of the Swedish International Centre for Local Democracy (ICLD).

In their narrow minds, such trips should be exclusive to BDP legislators!

Tracking the phone trackers

A certain Gaborone-based company in the business of tracking cellphones needs to up their game.

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Hundreds of people have complained to Yours Truly about unfulfilled promises from supposedly tech-savvy company.

Charging P100 to track one’s missing phone and then show no results sounds like a scam, and Shaya can’t blame customers who question the company’s legitimacy.

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Guys, Shaya knows some of your success stories so he won’t be too hard on you. However, be warned, there are just too many complaints. Up you game!

Chilling out Fri 28 October 2022

Lotty smiles again

After being booted out of the Deputy Mayor’s seat in June this year, specially elected Councillor, Lotty Manyapetsa, finally had something to smile about over the weekend.

Lotty and his wife beamed with delight as their stunning daughter, Sebaga Manyapetsa, was crowned Miss Botswana’s Second Princess.

Having cheered for his little girl throughout the night, Lotty, who’s not exactly known for his looks, was the perfect picture of a doting dad as he warmly embraced his daughter.

Congratulations, Honorable, Shaya is truly happy for you and your family.

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