Chillin Out Friday July 07, 2023

BURNT TO ASHES : Some of the 49 cars that came for Mantshwabisi


Just when the night life industry was catching a break from the tussle with fake ticket distributors, there is a new criminal activity that has shaken female groovers.

Shaya has caught wind of a syndicate of thieves who are targeting women with authentic human hair wigs during late night events, and selling them to hairdressers who revamp them for resale.

Yours Truly initially shrugged this off as foolish, but that wasn’t until I learnt that high-quality human hair is on high demand in the black market and can cost up to 20k!

No wonder people turn to gorilla glues…Promoters better beef up their security or risk losing out on customers who treasure their expensive hair.


Over the weekend, football fanatics were spooked out after a man fell unconscious after tumbling down a set of stairs at the Orange FA Cup Final.

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While the main attraction was the battle for silverware between Gaborone United and Orapa United, Shaya later established that the unfortunate spectator had been fighting his own battle against gravity after a drink too many!

Chillin Out Friday July 07, 2023
SERIOUSLY INJURED : A drunk fan after falling from the stands

The highly intoxicated brother had apparently tried to move closer to the soccer action but missed a step and rolled down the stairs, landing at the feet of the puzzled spectators.

After failed attempts to resuscitate him, he was rushed to the hospital where he was said to have made a quick recovery.

Shaya hopes the man’s experience was a lesson to beer guzzlers who have turned football matches into taverns. Luckily there were no broken bones, it could have been worse!


As fun and exciting the Desert race has always been, its no secret that its reputation has never really been one to brag about for the fun loving spectators.

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This year’s episode definitely gets the badge of shame.

From the 49 cars that were engulfed by a fire, unruly drunken behaviour on the race tracks and copulating in public, a lot clearly went down over the weekend.

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The big question however is whether or not Botswana Tourism Organisation (BTO) will bring it back next year.

Shaya can only imagine the distress over at BTO which had deemed it a success, at least before the fire incident.


Following public backlash and criticism over FME DJs’s music, Shaya made a promise to review their newest offering with Vacks 99 and Mpho Sebina, and here is my verdict.

Considering that the song was announced when the public was attacking their musical skill, this was the song to either make or break them.

Chillin Out Friday July 07, 2023
NEW HIT : Fme DJS and Mpho Sebina track

And… it’s a thumbs up!

This was the perfect collaboration to redeem yourselves boys, big up!

As Shaya pointed out last time, I sure hope you aren’t getting credit for work that was done solely by Vacks 99.


A businessman in Maun is already embroiled in controversy, just a few months after opening his eatery.

Accusations about the way he treats his clients have been doing the rounds with some saying he demands sex from job seeking ladies.

He is also said to be telling those complaining about the restaurant service that he caters for Gaborone people not Maun.

My advice brother is that you be careful or else you will find yourself dominating front pages of tabloids.

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