Chillin’ out Friday 09 November 2022


Vee’s controversial post

King of kwaito/kwasa, Vee Mampeezy is at it again with his controversial social media posts.

Although he pulled them down, the posts left many wondering what could have happened or what he was talking about.

Shaya’s office door is always open and if you have news to dish out then you know where to go instead of social media.

Again by now the whole focus should be on your coming soon festival, Last Man Standing.

Chillin' out Friday 09 November 2022

BTV’s poor planning

I think it is time someone pays Botswana Television Station Manager a visit. Shaya was not impressed at how BTV nearly messed up the BOMU awards on Saturday.

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With the event seemingly better organised than ever before, Shaya was disappointed when guests were made to wait for the national broadcaster’s crew who arrived fashionably late to set up its equipment.

Such things should be avoided at all cost if we want to attract investors.

Chillin' out Friday 09 November 2022
Lala Larona (L), Penene Ponono (R)

Of Lala and Penene’s antics

Someone should intervene and save Larona Lala from Penene Ponono. Spotting a bruised eye, Lala claims she was hit by Penene but the controversial Penene has refuted the allegations, claiming rather that Lala was hurt in a fight for the steering wheel during a brawl in a car.

Shaya is sick and tired of the two social media influencers behaviour. It is time someone closer to them, especially their parents put them in their seat. If this goes unattended, Shaya foresees a terrible disaster.

Chillin' out Friday 09 November 2022

Things they say

The last thing I want for this country is the escalation of politics of Regionalism and ethnicity. Such politics has the potential to become very toxic and cause political instability- Solly Da Sol

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