Chillin’ out


Berry Heart sponsors Charma gal with 100k

Shaya is no fashionista and knows next to nothing about designing.

However, I was flabbergasted to learn that Berry Heart, through her fashion line, Berry Heart Creations, has pledged P100k for Charma Gal’s dress at the much anticipated Kgosi Ya Mosadi event set for the end of October.

That’s a whole lot of Pula! Shaya is eagerly waiting to see what the Poet-turned-designer comes up with.

Known for her flair and outlandish sense of fashion, hopefully the daring Heart doesn’t come up with something too over the top – Charma Gal doesn’t embarrass easily but even she has her limits!

Chillin' out

Masisi o kae?

If there is one person whose whereabouts Shaya is always updated on is the President Mokgweetsi Masisi.

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However, Yours Truly was left scratching my head on Tuesday when the Minister of Transport and Public Works, was appointed acting President.

The man who normally fills that role, VP Slumber Tsogwane, was away in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).

But where on earth was Masisi? Maybe Shaya missed the memo!

Chillin' out

ATI was never in the closet

Shaya attended a session hosted by the popular Podcast and Chill with Mac G, in GC a few weekends ago.

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The podcast interviewed our very own superstar, ATI, with the explosive episode aired this week.

Now I know many of you may have been hearing for the first time that ATI is gay.

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I guess you guys don’t read Shaya do you.

I have always been telling you this.

Shaya has no issues with ATI or his sexual preference, but why are y’all surprised all of a sudden.

Read Shaya my people, I always tell you the truth!

Chillin' out

Things they say:

“Ke ne ke re o tlhalose. Ke tokafaditse listening skill, you are failing to answer me. You are a failure. I understand that you are a failure, that is why ke re o tlhalose!”

MP Ignatius Moswaane grilling his F/town counterpart Buti Billy in parliament

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