Celeb edition with Perion

Sharon Mathala

This week a music sensation that has taken the whole country by storm, Perion takes us into his life in this two-minute interview.

Q. You have become quite a strong contender in the music industry since your hit single Lejebeje; briefly tell us about your music career.

A. My hit single Lejebejebe did incredibly well and that was probably the highlight of my career.

It was rough and tough when I first started because my music did not really get recognition and that can somehow lead to giving up as artists, but I kept on going and trying new things and new sound.

Q. Now I sit back and think back and I guess it is true one has to fall before you reach the top.What was your lowest point in life?

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A. I think it would have to be back in 2008 when I lost my mom.

She was my everything.

Q. After her passing everything took a wrong turn because she raised me as a single parent and she was my support system, she was all I had.Sorry to hear that, How did you survive afterwards?

A. Music became the only way I could express myself and open up.

Q. Music kept me going and became my pillar; I just get in the music and forget about problems it is my own world.What is your fondest memory of your childhood?

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A. Fondest childhood memory was when I got my first bicycle it was actually the in thing to own one and me being the first to get one out of all my friends in the neighborhood was Gold for me. (laughs)

Q. Who was the last person you texted and what did you say

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A. Last person I texted was my best friend and we were about to head to the studio.

Q. Any new music on the works?

A. I am working on quite a number of singles, but at the moment you actually came at the right time as I have just secured collaboration with one of the biggest Nigerian artist.

Q. The song is almost complete so be on the lookout for that one. What advice would you give your 10 –year- old self?

A. The advice I I’d give to my 10- year- old self would be to learn how to adapt, compromise and overcome.

Q. Who is your celebrity crush locally?

A. Definitely Seneo Mabengano, former Miss Botswana.

Q. What is your current favorite song?

Q. Wale ft. Jeremiah -ON CHILL If you had one superpower what would that be?

A. If I could be able to get to any place in the world when I think of it and just be there with a snap of a finger that would be dope.

  1. Tell me five things people don’t know about you.
  2. I am the last born in our family
  3. I am short tempered
  4. I produce and write my own music
  5. .I am a great cook.
  6. Both my parents are late

Twitter: @sharonmathala
Email: sharonm@thevoicebw.com

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