Celeb Edition with Lorato Rantao

Sharon Mathala

Beautiful and talented, Lorato Rantao is hot property in the music industry.

Going by the stage name DJ Ms Lau’ra, Rantao has established herself as one of Botswana’s top female Deejays, rising to the top in lightning fast time!

Now that the industry is fully functional again, what can your fans look out for?

They are going to see more Ms Lau’ra in the industry, I’m already getting bookings like never before.

I will be performing this coming Friday at the Legends in Concert BW festival at Notwane Club.

I have always wanted to share stage with the legends, Arthur Mafokate, my girl DJ Owami Mafokate, T.H.A.B.O, Alaska. It’s a dream come true!

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And in terms of new music?

Oh yes, I’m working on my first album with a South African Producer, it will be released next year 2022.

I’m also working on my first single produced here in BW and featuring my sister, Kearoma Rantao, My Star BW 2021 winner, Thuto Rantao and my elder brother Touch Motswak – it’s a family affair (laughing).

What is your deal breaker in relationships?

A partner who doesn’t want the same things I do, an abusive partner, not introducing me to his friends and family, bad sex, lack of sense of humour, dishevelled or unclean appearance.

Wow! So how difficult or easy is it being a female deejay in Botswana?

Let me start by saying, I wish it wasn’t the case; I wish it wasn’t necessary to be having this conversation. It simply shouldn’t matter if a DJ is female.

We all know by now that women are equally talented and just as intelligent as men – different, and opposite in many ways, yet absolutely equal.

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Therefore, I would like to say I wish we lived in a more advanced time when gender isn’t an issue.

Being a female DJ has it’s pros and cons. Sometimes as a girl, you receive early opportunities and unfair advantages that perhaps men don’t get when you are first starting out.

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As a woman, you are rarity of course, in an industry that is dominated 95 percent by men, and so you are given gigs.

If you were made Minister of Youth Sports and Culture Development for a day, what’s the first thing you do?

I would do the following without wasting any time: there will be more sports complex which not only focus on soccer, but also on music festivals, change times to 6pm-6am and organise music festivals every month with strictly local artists performing.

Tell us about a day you’ll never forget, what happened?

In my life there are so many interesting things that happen, but the day I shall never forget was the day I met the love of my life.

The way he makes me feel is hard to explain. He makes me smile in a special kind of way, he makes me fall deeper in love everyday and I want him to know that I will always love you.

Five things people don’t know about you?

1. I’m incredibly extremely shy, I don’t do crowds. I don’t do parties

2. My #1 fear is regret. The thought of looking back on my life and sadly asking myself, ‘Why didn’t I try that sooner?’ or ‘why did I give the naysayers so much power over the decisions in my life?’

3. I have never tasted alcohol in my life

4. I am the most laid-back chick in the world, but there’s one thing that really annoys me: I can’t stand it when people don’t give their full effort. I don’t care if you’re not good at something, that’s fine as far as I’m concerned. All I care about is this: are you giving your best effort? If so, you’ll always be cool with me.

5. I used to be a tomboy ko Razi (my home village) and had dreadlocks

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