Celeb edition with Lezozo

Sharon Mathala


Kedi Molosiwa, popularly known as Lezozo, is one of the standout stars of local radio.

With her unrivaled energy levels on air, backed by a journalist’s instinct and an impressive maturity for a 24-year-old, the golden girl of radio has big plans for her career.

You were recently announced as the co-host of Yarona FM’s popular drive time show, how are you finding it so far?

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I am loving every minute of it! I have an amazing team player in KingBee.

I could be having the worst morning but as soon as the mic is on, everything changes.

For those who have never heard of Kedi Molosiwa, how would you describe yourself?

Kedi is a down to earth young woman, very easy to talk to and generally an outgoing person.

She’s a radio personality on Yarona FM’s biggest drive time show ‘Shuddup and Drive’ where’s she’s one half of the dynamic duo known as King Bee and Lezozo, weekdays at 3pm to 7pm.

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Kedi defines herself as a radio legend in the making. She is a voice artist, events host, television personality, motivational speaker, overall entertainer and also founder of Kedi’s Beat Bar, a mobile makeup company offering makeup services for all occasions.

At what point in your radio career would you say you have made it?

When my talent is exported internationally.

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I won’t be confined to Botswana; my dreams are bigger than here!

What do you get up to when you’re not behind the mic?

I am a makeup artist, and I do this because beauty is my passion.

I’ve learned to make it a paying hobby of mine.

But when I’m not taking clients or on-air, I’m usually spending time with my loved ones.

How do you intend to use your influence to address social ills such as GBV and drug/alcohol abuse?

I was recently engaged by eBotho in October, as the month is known as Cyber Security Awareness Month.

I was the brand ambassador and helped spread the message of why it’s so important to be cyber smart especially with the world now doing everything digitally.

That was the stepping stone in my career as it was my first big campaign partnered with BOCRA and UN.

I would definitely love to be engaged in more national campaigns addressing social ills.

I believe that there’s power in the platform radio provides, and there’s power in my voice!

Let’s talk romance – who is the lucky man that has captured your heart?

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(Laughing) That man needs to put a ring on it first. Until then you’ll only know what I choose to post about him!

If you had not ventured into radio, which career path would you have chosen?

I would be in logistics, beauty, or advertising.

Would you consider joining politics in the future?

Politics is very dirty so I would not.

I love my line of work in holding leaders accountable and being a voice for the voiceless.

Who would you say is the hottest entertainer in the country right now?

William Last KRM aka Motsetserepa; I love his transition to music. He is undeniably talented.

You recently hosted the virtual YAMAs, how was it?

The experience was nerve-wracking, beautiful, fun, and amazing.

I would do it all over again in a heartbeat.

Five things people don’t know about you?

This is so hard to answer because I’m such an open book but okay here goes:

1. I’m the firstborn child and I’m such a clingy daughter who still wants to sleep with her parents!
2. I don’t like fake b#*!hes
3. I don’t willingly go out to spaces that require me to be fake
4. I live and die for the birthday celebrations of my loved ones. I believe in celebrating life even through sentimental gifts and gestures
5. I love the color pink. I want everything of mine to be pink

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