Celeb edition with Khumo Kgwaadira

Sharon Mathala
Miss GeeKays

This week we turn to popular radio personality cum businesswoman, Khumo Kgwaadira aka Miss GeeKays as she celebrates her 30th birthday.

Happy Birthday from all at The Voice.

Q. Many celebrities celebrate their birthdays by giving back to their communities – what do you have planned?

Thank you very much for the feature.

It truly means a lot.

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Covid-19 has really humbled us.

I had big plans this year but sadly we have to wait and hope for the best.

I will be celebrating indoors with my cake and a steaming cup of hot chocolate.

I will celebrate it to the fullest once things have settled and we are allowed to travel.

I cannot wait!

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Q. What would you say is the most upsetting thing about being Miss GeeKays?

I can’t think of anything upsetting about being Miss GeeKays!

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I mean my life is a gift from God; it’s part of his plan and boy oh boy it’s been great!

Q. You had planned to open a hair saloon this year – how far along are you with those plans?

Well let’s just say 2020 is a gap year (laughing).

I had to put that and many other things on hold due to Covid-19 but luckily I never run out of ideas – so be on the look out for exciting news.

I will share on my social media platforms in July.

Q. Intriguing! So, how have you been keeping busy during lockdown?

Prayer and Meditation.

I used this time to get to know God more, work on myself.

I realized I had unfinished business, issues I needed to revisit and face.

I am rejuvenated.

Q. And what bad habit did you pick up during lockdown?

Not working out.

The gym kept me disciplined and focused.

Lockdown made me so lazy, it’s embarrassing!

But I will try pull myself together.

I mean we are allowed to chill once in a while.

Q. Is there a special man in your life?

Hahahahah, I knew this was coming……

Q. If you were caught cheating, what is the first thing you would say?

I was never ready for this (laughing).

I would be speechless.

I guess I don’t know.

Wait for him to cool off and then explain.

Q. Who holds your deepest secrets?

Next question please.

Q. Who would you say are the best female and male artists in Botswana?

How about I mention my fav artists.

Female: Mpho Sebina
Male: Veezo

Q. What is the one subject you loathed at school?

Biology. Nne ke sa e batle PLEASE!

Q. Five things people don’t know about you?

  • I have a habit of chewing ice
  • I am actually a chilled person – hard to believe, I know! My loud voice confuses a lot of people I guess
  • Call me a prayer warrior, I’m very spiritual
  • I sleep a lot, to a point where it’s actually worrisome
  • I have serious OCD, it makes me uncomfortable at times
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