Busted by his balls

Sinqobile Tessa

I couldn’t resist writing about this man who posed as a woman and stayed married for a whole 16 months while performing ‘his new bride’ duties to the fullest.

Sounds strange right, like a low-budget script from Hollywood?

Well this indeed happened in the Manicaland Province and has kept people talking for days.

Morris Muchena and Andrew Chafa, whose ages were not given, lived as husband and wife without anyone suspecting anything.

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Muchena was, however, known to his in-laws as Emily Muswere.

Although it is reported that his mother-in-law often teased him about his stamina and masculinity, Muchena didn’t give his in-law any reason to doubt him as he seemed to be the perfect makoti.

His luck ran out when he decided to play football.

“The nibble-footed Muchena mesmerised football fans with his moves and dexterity. With all the spotlight beamed on him, his childhood peers identified him and let the cat out of the bag,” the Post reported.

When confronted, Muchena – who played with a wig on – allegedly told stunned villagers he was a member of a satanic cult which gave him powers to change into a woman during the night in order to satisfy his husband in bed.

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Of course he had to come up with a story because clearly the attention had to also shift to his husband who had to answer the question of how he had sex with his male wife.

Same sex marriage is prohibited in Zimbabwe and it is highly likely that these two planned this whole thing together; for the other man to publicly live like a woman during the day so they could spend quality time at night without any suspicions.

And while the story brought up the issue of homosexuality and how it is abhorred in our country, more interest was on how these two found a way around spending time together.

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“They just found a way to enjoy their same sex marriage….they are geniuses,” tweeted Mu Moskeni, while Livestock hubz wrote, “Give that man an Oscar (award for acting).”

I must also say the man put up some good acting and I am sure if he had not played soccer and displayed his ‘manly’ skills, he would still be that ‘woman’ living his private life.

In other news, I was quite surprised that #FreeAyanda was the top trend in Zimbabwe as of Tuesday evening.

Ayanda Mponda is a 23-year-old Harare woman who was arrested for smuggling and selling dildos to school children.

Those advocating for her freedom argue she is a woman in business and that selling dildos is not a crime. Yes she can sell the sex toys to adults but making school going children her clients is a big NO!

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